Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

My brief story , about "LOVE"

Cintaa itu sepertii "JELANGKUNG"..
tauu kenapaa ??? 

Cintaa itu datang tak dijemput , truss pulangnya tak di antar ..

Bahagia , Happy , Falling in Love yg kita rasaiin ketika seseorang masuk dikehidupan kita .. 
Pertama , kenalan .. 
   Haiii , nama akuu John , kamu siapa ?? 
  hmm , aku Vithaa ..
tinggal dimna ? ama siapaa ? school , kuliah or working ?
   pertanyaan BASI . 
TRus PDkt ,, nembak , jalan bareng , b'cndaa ..

lama kelamaan , sorry .. kita udah nggak cocok . akuu lagii pngen sendiri dulu ..
Nangis , sediih , kecewa , kesaL , marah .

That's Love ..

                                                                                          DeaR _
                                                                                                        Chaanzzy "

Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

Pengertian Reading


Reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols for the intention of deriving meaning (reading comprehension) and/or constructing meaning. Written information is received by the retina, processed by the primary visual cortex, and interpreted in Wernicke’s area.
Reading is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information and ideas.
Readers use a variety of reading strategies to assist with decoding (to translate symbols into sounds or visual representations of speech) and comprehension. Readers may use morpheme, semantics, syntax and context clues to identify the meaning of unknown words. Readers integrate the words they have read into their existing framework of knowledge or schema (schemata theory).
Other types of reading are not speech based writing systems, such as music notation or pictograms. The common link is the interpretation of symbols to extract the meaning from the visual notations.
Reading text is now an important way for the general population in many societies to access information and make meaning.

Selasa, 08 Mei 2012

Pengertian Listening


Listening adalah pemahaman kita dalam mendengar bahasa inggris. baik itu secara langsung ataupun lewat media seperti musik atau film.
listening merupakan materi yang penting dalam bahasa inggris karena kita harus bisa mengetahui apa yang orang katakan pada kita.
untuk dapat menguasai listening kita harus benar – benar memahami kata – kata yang kita dengar.
jadi usahakanlah untuk sering mendengarkan musik yang berbahasa inggris karena itu dapat membuat kita lebih mudah memahami berbagai kata.

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< Valentine's Day Myspace Comments
Hello! Myspace Comments

about reading


Reading comprehension involves much more than readers’ responses to text. Reading comprehension is a multicomponent, highly complex process that involves many interactions between readers and what they bring to the text (previous knowledge, strategy use) as well as variables related to the text itself (interest in text, understanding of text types).

Cognitive Processes

What is actually happening when we comprehend what we are reading? Irwin (1991) describes five basic comprehension processes that work together simul-taneously and complement one another: microprocesses, integrative processes, macroprocesses, elaborative processes, and metacognitive processes.


Microprocessing refers to the reader’s initial chunking of idea units within individual sentences. “Chunking” involves grouping words into phrases or clusters of words that carry meaning, and requires an understanding of syntax as well as vocabulary. For example, consider the following sentence:

Michelle put the yellow roses in a vase.

The reader does not picture yellow and roses separately, but instead immediately visualizes roses that are the color yellow. The good reader processes yellow roses together.

Selective recall is another aspect of microprocessing. The reader must decide which chunks of text or which details are important to remember. When reading only one sentence, it is relatively easy to recall details, but remembering becomes more difficult after reading a long passage. For example, the reader may or may not remember later that the roses were yellow. To some extent, whether this detail is remembered will depend upon its significance in the passage. In other words, does it matter in the story that the roses were yellow, or is this just an unimportant detail?

Integrative Processes

As the reader progresses through individual sentences, he or she is processing more than the individual meaning units within sentences. He or she is also actively making connections across sentences. This process of understanding and inferring the relationships among clauses is referred to as integrative processing. Subskills involved in integrative processing include being able to identify and understand pronoun referents and being able to infer causation or sequence. The following two sentences demonstrate how these subskills are applied:

Michael quickly locked the door and shut the windows.

He was afraid.

To whom does he apply? Good readers seem to automatically know that he in the second sentence refers to Michael in the first sentence. And good readers infer that Michael locked the door and shut the windows because he was afraid.


Ideas are better understood and more easily remembered when the reader is able to organize them in a coherent way. The reader does this by summarizing the key ideas read. He or she may either automatically or deliberately (i.e., subconsciously or consciously) select the most important information to remember and delete rela-tively less important details. The skillful reader also uses a structure or organiza-tional pattern to help him or her organize these important ideas. More proficient

comprehenders know to use the same organizational pattern provided by the author to organize their ideas (e.g., a story map that includes characters and set-ting/problem/solution in a narrative or a compare-and-contrast text structure for an expository passage).

Elaborative Processes

When we read, we tap into our prior knowledge and make inferences beyond points described explicitly in the text. We make inferences that may or may not cor-respond with those intended by the author. For instance, in the two sentences pro-vided above about Michael, we do not know why he was afraid. But we can predict that perhaps he was worried that someone had followed him home, or maybe a storm was brewing and he was concerned about strong winds. When making these inferences, we may draw upon information provided earlier in the text or upon our own previous experiences (e.g., perhaps at some point the reader was followed home and hurried inside and quickly shut and locked the door). This process is called elaborative processing.

Metacognitive Processes

Much has been made of the importance of metacognition, that is, thinking about thinking. Metacognition is the reader’s conscious awareness or control of cognitive processes. The metacognitive processes the reader uses are those involved in moni-toring understanding, selecting what to remember, and regulating the strategies used when reading (i.e., repeating information to enhance recall), reviewing, underlining impor-tant words or sections of a passage, note taking, and checking understanding.

Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Pengertian Reading Comprehension, Writing, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Listening

Pengertian Reading Comprehension, Comprehension

 Pengertian Writing

Pengertian Vocabulary

Pengertian Pronunciation

Pengertian Listening



Grammar dalam bahasa inggris dapat diartikan tata bahasa atau sistem bahasa. English Grammar memiliki tingkatan yaitu basic, intermediate dan advanced. Tetapi anehnya peraturan-peraturan Grammar Advanced dengan Basic banyak yang bertentangan – itulah sebabnya dalam ebook bahasa inggris gratis saya katakan pada Anda bahwa Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang seenak wudelnya. Dan untuk langkah awal belajar bahasa inggris tidak dianjurkan belajar grammar. Tetapi materi grammar tetap penting terutama dalam menghadapi berbagai ujian bahasa inggris seperti Test TOEFL atau pelajaran sekolah
Contoh pertentangan aturan grammar :
The Simple Present Tense & The Present Continuous Tense
Di sekolah, dimana yang diajarkan adalah grammar basic – The Simple Present Tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta, atau kebiasaan sedangkan untuk menyataan kejadian yang SEDANG berlangsung kita menggunakan The Present Continuous Tense, seperti
I like English (Fakta, simple present)
I am learning English (Sedang berlangsung, present continuous)
Tetapi pada advanced grammar, kita boleh saja menggunakan The Simple Present untuk sesuatu yang sedang berlangsung secara cepat dari action ke action lain, seperti komentator sepakbola. Mereka menggunakan Simple Present walaupun saat itu sedang berlangsung. Ini hanya salah satu contoh saja
Okey kembali bahwa saya akan memberikan 30 Jurus basic grammar secara bertahap – yang harus Anda kuasai. Pelajaran Grammar ini dimulai dari NOL – tenang saja, tapi dahsyat – karena sama saja Anda mempelajari mata kuliah Structure I di perguruan tinggi jurusan Bahasa Inggris selama 1 semester

Pelajari secara disiplin, kerjakan latihannya secara tertulis dan buka Kamus Bahasa inggris untuk kata-kata yang Anda tidak ketahui. Grammar ibarat rantai, 1 saja mata rantai terputus – hancur semuanya. Itulah sebabnya 30 jurus ini harus Anda kuasai secara integrated, secara terpadu melalui kursus Bahasa Inggris online Full Conversation ini.

Pengertian Speaking

February 4th, 2010 by primaprimbon
Dalam speaking adalah pembelajaran untuk kita dalam berbicara menggunakan bahasa inggris.
proses pembelajaran ini tidak sesulit listening.
dalam pembelajaran ini kita harus menambah skil kita dalam berbicara.
adapun salah satu caranya agar lebih mudah menguasainya adalah kita harus serin – sering bercakapan dengan menggunakan bahsa inggris.
dengan seringnya kita bercakap dengan memakai bahasa inggris itu dapat mempermudah kita untuk mengontrol cara berbicara kita agar tidak gagap ataupun terputus – putus.